I should have some access to email while in Madagascar. If not, there is always snail mail.
During training, June 15th until mid-September, you can reach me by writing letters/sending packages to:
Elaine Wacuka Hurt, PCT
Bureau du Corps de la Paix
B.P. 120891
Post Zoom Ankorondrano
Antananarivo 101
South East Africa
- Please write "Air Mail via Paris" at the bottom of the address.
- Mail can take 1 to 2 months to arrive, so don't be alarmed if you don't receive a response from me right away.
- Please DATE and NUMBER your messages, so that I know what order they go in and can tell if some are missing.
- Use padded envelopes whenever possible [esp. for sending things like books, dvds, cds, teaching materials, magazines (Vogue, People, True Love, etc), pictures,vitamins or my favorite snacks]. I'm told these tend to be taxed less heavily and may travel faster.
Send things via DHL if you need to get something to me fast or if the item is sensitive.
My DHL address is
Elaine Wacuka Hurt, PCT
c/o U. S. Peace Corps Madagascar
Villa Les Lierres
Lot IIk 76, Bonnet Invandry
South East Africa
You will need to include the Peace Corps/Madagascar phone number: 261-20-224-3820.
After September though, I have no clue where I will be posted. But no worries, just keep watching this space.