06/06/06 and I am back from the District. It was good to say a proper farewell. I have missed walking around Adams Morgan, lunching in hide-away cafes, trips to Bread and Chocolate in Eastern Market and a public metro system. Most of all, I missed everyone I left there.
My Thursday through Monday visit was refreshingly hectic. I must have scheduled, rescheduled and overscheduled myself; all while fingers crossed and praying I got to say a final so long to all my loved ones. Amazingly most of the days went off without a hitch. Not counting monday afternoon's great car adventure and Em's sudden case of lethargy, after finding out we were heading to salsa dancing.
Sunday's main event, Carla and Matt's wedding, was a great day out on the rolling hills of Fredrick MD. Really it seemed more like a reunion as family and friends shuffled in from at least 6 states, Jamaica, and the Ukraine. All the friends expected were there apart from poor Mona who was delayed 5 hours in the Bahamas. Luckily she got to the wedding right before the marital limo pulled away. Later we all had great laughs, the remaining singles, at Sakura's house over Amstel light and cashew nuts. Things never change and yet they change so much.
Congrats to the happy couple.

Until next year...............